
Toronto’s Pediactric Rheumatology Specialists

Pediatric rheumatologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating kids with rheumatic diseases. These are conditions that involve inflammation (like swelling and pain) in the body’s joints, muscles, and sometimes other areas. Here’s a quick look at what pediatric rheumatologists do in their day-to-day work:

Identifying Joint and Muscle Problems: They are experts in spotting issues like joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and muscle weakness. They’re especially focused on conditions like juvenile arthritis, lupus, and other similar diseases.

Running Tests: To figure out what’s wrong, they might order blood tests, X-rays, or other imaging tests. These help them get a clearer picture of what’s happening inside the body.

Creating a Treatment Plan: Once they understand the issue, they tailor a treatment plan to each kid’s needs. This can include medication to reduce inflammation and pain, and sometimes physical therapy to help with movement and strength.

Monitoring and Adjusting Treatment: They keep a close watch on how treatments are working and make changes if needed. It’s all about finding the best way to help each child feel better and stay active.

Educating and Supporting Families: They also take time to explain the condition and treatment to kids and their families, offering support and answering questions. It’s important that everyone understands how to manage the condition.

Working With Other Specialists: Often, they collaborate with other healthcare professionals, like physical therapists or orthopedic surgeons, to provide comprehensive care.

Research and Keeping Up-to-Date: Pediatric rheumatologists also keep up with the latest research and treatments to provide the best possible care.

Pediatric rheumatologists play a crucial role in helping kids with conditions that affect their joints and muscles. They’re all about making sure these kids can live active, healthy lives, despite their challenges.

Assessment and Treatment For

  • Chronic arthritis (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis)
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Scleroderma
  • Vasculitis (including Kawasaki Disease, HSP)
  • Periodic Fever Syndromes
  • Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes and other less common inflammatory diseases
  • Any other conditions related to pediatric rheumatology

How to book a specialist appointment:

Our specialists see patients by referral. Please ask your physician or primary care provider for a referral.

  • The most efficient way to be referred to Kindercare is via Ocean eReferral. To get started, send your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner this link: bit.ly/refertoKCP
  • If a referral through Ocean eReferral is not possible, your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner can fax referrals to 416-848-7664
  • If you do not have a primary care provider, need help or have any questions, email admin@kindercare.ca or call 416-848-7665

What to bring to your first consultation:

  • Copies of all prior and recent blood tests, X-rays, or their reports, and any other special test results
  • A complete written list of your child’s current and prior medications
  • Shorts and a T shirt to allow for a comprehensive MSK examination

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