This summer, Smartiepants (an enrichment program for preschool children) and Kindercare Pediatrics are teaming up to offer a suite of parent education and support workshops.

Our first offering is a 6-week infant and toddler development workshop. This workshop will help parents to learn and understand the basics of infant and toddler development. Hosted at Smartiepants and led by Kindercare’s experts in nutrition, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and child/family psychology, each weekly workshop will include both formal teaching and informal question & answer sessions.

Workshop Dates, Topics and Experts:

Day 1 : Speech and Language Development – Sari Feldstein, Speech and Language Pathologist

Day 2: Feeding and Nutrition – Dr. Daniel Flanders, Pediatrician with specialized interest in nutrition

Day 3: Gross Motor Skills and Coordination – Hillary Abramsky, Physiotherpaist

Day 4: Fine Motor Skills and Activities of Daily Living – Megan Silverhart and Francine Persico, Occupational Therapists

Day 5: Healthy Attachment and Mental Health – Dr. Mirisse Foroughe, Family and Child Psychologist

Day 6: Summary and Integration – All health practitioners


Full Program: $200

Each Individual Session: $50

Click Here for a summary of the Development Workshop Objectives and Discussion Topics

Click Here to Register