Making Halloween Safer For Food Allergic Children
Halloween is upon us, and there are many ways to [...]
Halloween is upon us, and there are many ways to [...]
Here is another guest post from Rebecca Abavi, Kindercare's research assistant [...]
Some babies are born with a band of tissue that tethers the [...]
Below is some evidence-informed information to help you with introducing [...]
Nearly one third of children are overweight or obese in Canada [...]
Ten of the most important health recommendations for parents of [...]
I met Madelyn for the first time last month in [...]
While and after seeing the movie Fed Up last month, I [...]
Health Canada and the Infant Feeding Joint Working Group have [...]
Were you ever surprised to notice the bottom of a [...]
I am pleased to announce that Kindercare Pediatrics, in collaboration [...]
An interesting and provocative study, published last month in the [...]
Let’s face it. When you leave food choices up to [...]
Another study was published this month showing a connection between [...]
Ten of the most important health recommendations for parents of [...]
This month, the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) launched a new [...]
Over the past few weeks, I had the privilege to [...]
Moderating your children's consumption of junk food can be tricky: [...]
We are very excited to welcome our newest member of [...]
Many years of nutrition studies can make [...]
Forest Hill
491 Eglinton Ave. West,
Suite 301
P: 416.848.7665
F: 416.848.7664
25 Industrial Street,
East York. ON. Canada
P: 416.848.7665
F: 416 848 7664
©2023 Kindercare Pediatrics