We are currently looking for an enthusiastic, intelligent, and hard-working person to join our admin team at Kindercare Pediatrics.
Job Description: Administrative Assistant
Location: Suite 301, 491 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, M5N 1A8
Type of Employment: Permanent, Part Time, 9-5, two to three days per week.
Pay: Dependent on credentials, skills, and experience
Clinic Description: Multidisciplinary pediatric outpatient clinic servicing nearly 200 patients per day.
Duties: Support physicians, welcome patients, arrange appointments, correspond with patients/parents regarding administrative manners, coordinate patient flow in and out of the clinic.
The successful candidates must:
- Be proficient working with computers and corresponding with clients via telephone and email.
- Be comfortable working independently with other physicians, nurses, administrators, in a dynamic team setting.
- Be able to work efficiently at a quick pace.
- Be comfortable working with children.
The adminsitrative assistant will operate under the direction of the office manager and operations manager.
For Further Information:
If you are interested in this position, please forward a resume and cover letter, along with references, to operations@kindercarepediatrics.ca