My 7 month-old flips over from his back to his stomach in the middle of the night. What should I do?
When infants sleep on their stomach, it increases their risk of suffering from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This concept was strongly validated after the 1992 Back To Sleep Campaign during which parents were encouraged to always put their infants to sleep on their backs. This campaign resulted in a 50% reduction in the rate of SIDS over approximately 10 years.
After 6 months of age, the risk of SIDS goes down significantly. Since most babies are not rolling onto their stomachs before 6 months of age, and since it is not realistic to constantly re-position your child all night long, it is reasonable and appropriate to let your baby find his/her most comfortable position. However, it is still advisable to continue placing your child on his/her back at the beginning of a sleep/nap period. The position that baby chooses thereafter is up to him/her.