Childhood obesity rates have risen dramatically over recent decades in Canada. For example the percentage of Canadian children who are obese has increased from 15% in 1979 to 26% in 2004 to over 30% in 2012. Rates are expected to continue upward into the future. These figures are similar for Ontario.
Children struggling with obesity are at risk of developing a whole host of medical and mental health problems including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, sleep abnormalities, depression, anxiety, suicidality, low self-esteem, and the list goes on. There is a dire need in our Ontario communities (and beyond) for evidence-based, patient-centered, non-stigmatizing care for overweight and obese children.
In recent years, the Ontario Pediatric Bariatric Network (OPBN) has established itself as an important contribution to solving this pediatric obesity crisis in Ontario. The OPBN is a province-wide collection of pediatric obesity experts and programs with the shared goals of
- Establishing a coordinated system of services for children and youth who are overweight or obese, delivered in both community and hospital settings.
- Promoting consistency in standards of practice, resources, and outcome measures across Ontario.
There are a number of OPBN-endorsed clinical programs designed specifically to treat and support children struggling with obesity. If you are a parent of, or a doctor caring for a child struggling with obesity, consider reaching out to one of the OPBN programs in your area.
Below is the list of childhood obesity treatment programs in Ontario who are part of and/or endorsed by the OPBN.
Hospital-Based Paediatric Bariatric Programs
Healthy Lifestyles Clinic – Toronto
Toronto East General Hospital
825 Coxwell Avenue
East York, ON M4C 3E7
Tel: 416-469-6580 x6590
Fax: 416-469-6591
Children’s Exercise & Nutrition Centre – Hamilton
McMaster Children’s Hospital
1200 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5
Tel: 905-521-7967
Fax: 905-385-5033
Healthy Outcomes Paediatric Program Scarborough (HOPPS)
Rough Valley Health System
Scarborough Centenary Hospital
2867 Ellesmere Road
Scarborough, ON M1E 4B9
Tel: 647-461-7030
Fax: 416-281-7313
Lifestyle Clinic (Brampton) – Brampton
William Osler Health Centre
Floor 3 – Pediatric Ambulatory Care
Brampton Civic Hospital
2100 Bovaird Drive E
Brampton, ON L6R 3J7
Tel: 905-494-6593
Fax: 905-494-6594
Centre for Healthy Active Living – Ottawa
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
1355 Bank Street, Suite 111
Ottawa, ON K1H 8K7
Tel: 613-260-1477 x222
Fax: 613-260-1477
Bringing Active Living and Nutrition into your Childhood Everyday (BALANCE) – Sudbury
Health Sciences North, PCE
1st floor, South tower
41 Ramsey Lake Rd.
Sudbury, ON P3E 5J1
Tel: 705-523-7100 x3508
Fax: 705-523-7288
Personal Health Improvement Team (PHIT) Clinic – Peterborough
Peterborough Regional Health Centre
1 Hospital Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 7C6
Tel: 905-728-1673
Fax: 905-728-2961
CHAT Clinic – Orillia
Orillia Soldier’s Memorial Hospital
170 Colborne St. West
Orillia, ON L3V 2Z3
SickKids Team Obesity Management Program (STOMP) – Toronto
The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
KidFit Program Trillium Health Partners – Mississauga
Trillium Health Partners (Credit Valley Hospital Site)
220 Eglinton Avenue West
Mississauga, ON L5M 2N1
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Paediatric Bariatric Program – Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
980 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6V4
Community-Based Paediatric Bariatric Programs
The Children’s Activity and Responsible Eating (CARE) Clinic – Oshawa
Grandview Children’s Centre
600 Townline Road South
Oshawa , Ontario L1H 7K6
Tel: 905-728-1673
Fax: 905-728-2961
Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle (NHL) Clinic – Toronto
Kindercare Pedatrics
Suite 301 – 491 Eglinton Avenue West
Toronto, ON M5N 1A8
Phone: 416-848-7665
Fax: 416-848-7664
Family Reset – Ottawa
575 West Hunt Club, Suite 100
Ottawa, K2G5W5 ON
Pediatric Nutrition Clinic – Toronto
Humber River Regional Hospital
2115 Finch Ave West
Suite 108, Toronto
Tel: 416-747-3887
Fax: 416-747-3742
Specialized Nutrition Clinic – Toronto
St. Michael’s Health Centre, 2nd Floor
61 Queen St. East
Toronto, ON M5C 2T2
Tel: 416-867-3655
Fax: 416-867-3736
Enhance Care Family Clinic – Aurora
14872 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1N2
Dr. Pierre Geoffroy
Tel: 905-841-8790
Healthy Weight for Life Clinic – Cornwall
Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Dillabough Building
566 Louise Street
Winchester, ON K0C 2K0
Tel: 613-774-2420 ext. 6761
Fax: 613-774-6845
Additional Sites
Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre – London
London Health Sciences Centre
800 Commissioners Road East
London, ON N6A 5W9
Tel: 519 685-8500
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital – Toronto
150 Kilgour Road.
Toronto, ON M4G 1R8
Tel: 416-425-6220